BROWN Engineering Company
Brown Engineering Company


Brown Engineering provides a full range of professional electrical engineering services. We specialize in building electrical systems, emergency power, lighting, grounding, high voltage transmission, substations, distribution systems, power circuits, and equipment and process control.

Primary electrical project types include:

  • Electrical Distribution Systems
  • Electrical Substations
  • Electric Transmission and Distribution
  • Electrical System Coordination
  • Electrical Power and Control Systems

Projects include:

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Campus Lighting
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the addition of walkway and building exterior lighting at thirteen separate sites on the Iowa State University campus. The design included the addition of new feeder circuits from existing building power panels and the tie into existing feeds as required.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science and Mechanics Building - Alternate Electric Service
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the addition of a second backup feed to the ME&ESM building. The scope included the design of underground duct banks, manholes, and switches to carry the new 15KV cables from existing underground vaults into the tie-in point in the existing building.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; LeBaron Hall Addition - Electric Relocation
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the relocation and upgrade of 15KV ductbanks in the area of the new LeBaron Hall addition. The design includes the enlargement of an existing 15KV manhole while maintaining electrical service through the manhole during construction.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Heating Plant Hi-Bay Lighting Upgrade
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the replacement upgrade conversation of mercury vapor/incandescent hi-bay lighting system in the heating plant to high pressure sodium hi-bay lighting.

Carroll, Iowa; Water Treatment Plant Addition
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the electrical portion of a final clarifier addition to a wastewater treatment plant. The design included motor feeders and controls, surge protection, instrumentation and lighting, along with final construction inspection.

West Des Moines, Iowa; Pumping Station Electrical
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the electrical portion of modifications to sewage pumping station. The design included replacement of an old variable speed drive unit with two new two-speed pumps with interlocking controls and an automatic telephone dialer warning system.

VA Medical Center, Des Moines, Iowa; Electrical Coordination Study
Brown Engineering Company performed a system distribution study on the entire medical facility to determine the system's compliance with electrical codes and to recommend system changes. The study included determination of fault current levels and computerized coordination of all breakers, relays and fuses down through 50 amps at 480 volts in order to assess the system's overall reliability and safety so changes could be recommended.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa; Emergency Generator Interconnection
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the electrical interconnection of four emergency generators. This was to allow any generator to manually back up any of the other generators should it fail to start if needed. The design involved routing busway and cable through numerous crowded corridors and hallways.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa; Information System UPS
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the addition of an uninterruptible power supply system to the hospital's computer room. This project included all necessary cable, controls, equipment, alarms, and increased HVAC capacity to remove the extra heat generated.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Recreation Center Telecommunications
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the addition of telephone and fiber optics systems to the new ISU recreation center. This project included the addition of manholes, ductbanks, cables and equipment needed to tie the new building in the existing campus system.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Meats Laboratory Telecommunications
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the addition of telephone and fiber optics systems to the new ISU Meats Laboratory. This project included the addition of manholes, ductbanks, cables and equipment needed to tie the new building in the existing campus system.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Campus Lighting and Emergency Telephone Improvements
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for the addition of emergency telephone stations and walkway lighting at several sites on the Iowa State University campus. The design included the addition of underground feeder and communications circuits from existing buildings to tie in the new lights and telephone stations.

City of Atlantic, Iowa; Street/Highway Lighting
Brown Engineering Company designed street/highway lighting for a 1½ mile stretch of state highway through the downtown area for a street improvements project. This included determining the proper lighting level to be achieved, fixture spacing, fixture wattage, pole height and pole set back from the roadway.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; ISU/City of Ames Substation Power Wiring
Brown Engineering Company designed and develop construction documents to electrically tie the new ISU/Ames 69 kV, 20 MVA City tie transformer to the ISU power plant. This included the installation of cable tray, underground conduit system, 15 kV cables, and switchgear control cables.

Iowa DOT, Ames, Iowa; Rest Area Replacement
Brown Engineering Company designed and developed construction documents for nine (9) new rest area buildings in the State’s interstate system. This included design of power, communications, and lighting systems. Interfaces to each building were designed taking into account each location’s site specific utility arrangement.

City of Pella, Iowa; Capacitor Bank Installation
Brown Engineering Company developed performance specifications for the addition of 5.6 Mega-Vars capacitance to an existing 20MVA substation. Included in the specifications were the determination of the required amount of capacitance needed and the establishment of the desired control system required.


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